Do I need to pay my Global Income Tax in Spain?
You will only have to declare your global income tax in Spain if you become a tax resident. You become a tax resident if you live more than 183 days per year in Spain. In order to pay your taxes, you need a NIE number and to register as a tax resident, if you fulfill the criteria.
To register as a Tax Resident, you need to hold a Foreigner’s Identity Card number (NIE), and fill out the Model 30 to register your obligation to pay Spanish tax as a resident or non-resident for the first time, or to change your details. In case of doubt, we strongly recommend looking for specialised advice to help you in these processes.
The tax year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December. Income tax is collected through an annual tax return. The process is called the Declaración de la Renta - Renta 20XX, which starts on 1 April and ends on 30 June. This process can be done online (with a Digital Certificate or a Cl@ve code) or in person at a Tax Agency (Agencia Tributaria) office. You can also hire a gestor to help you with the process. If you are self-employed and you want to do the process by yourself, you will need a Digital Certificate.
To do your Declaración de la Renta in person you will need to ask for an appointment at the Tax Agency’s (Agencia Tributaria) website or by calling their phone service. In case of doubt, we strongly recommend looking for a specialised service to help you with these processes.
Bear in mind that there will be tax allowances depending on age, disability or your family situation, as well as deductions for certain types of expenditure, depending on your circumstances. In case of doubt, we strongly recommend looking for a specialised service to help you with these processes.